Letters to President Obama

Letters 31 – 40

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Letter #31

Dear President Obama,

The Wall St. Journal on 19 March had an interesting article “Shale Gas Boom Alone Won’t Propel US Industry.” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324392804578362781776519720.html

It starts by stating that natural gas in the US costs about $4-$5 per 1000 cubic feet, compared to $10-13 in Europe and $15-$20 in northeast Asia. But global companies like Intn’l Paper are not planning any new plants in the US, they are making capital investments in China, India, etc. because that’s where product demand is growing. Their investments are “driven by demand, not costs.” But the WSJ article goes on to say that US manufacturing jobs are growing slowly – there are nearly 12 million today, but that is DOWN from the more than 17 million in 2000. That’s 5 million skilled jobs lost that are not coming back. So cheap energy does not create long term skilled jobs in America. It just makes the energy companies richer and is terrible for the carbon it spews into the atmosphere. The way to help American jobs is by encouraging the renewable energy sector, cutting subsidies to Big Oil and Gas and subsidising the replacement of old leaky windows and doors all across America. The Keystone XL pipeline will not create long term jobs. It is not good for the US economy and it is awful for the environment. Please say NO to the Keystone XL.

Thank you.

Susan J. Ringler, Advocate for the Unemployed



Wednesday 3 April 2013

Letter #32

Dear President Obama,

I loved the Op-Ed piece on Monday in the NYTimes by Thomas Homer-Dixon, a Canadian, describing how disastrous the Keystone XL pipeline would be for Canada.


His 3 main arguments are:
⦁ Tar sands extraction is one of the world’s most environmentally damaging activities.
⦁ Boon/bust cycles of petro-economies are not the basis of healthy enduring prosperous economies.
⦁ Undermining of the Canadian democracy by too much clout of Alberta oil interests in federal policy.
There are lots more good reasons to STOP the Keystone XL pipeline. Please stop it NOW. Thank you.

Susan J. Ringler, Friend of Canada



Thursday 4 April 2013

Letter #33

Dear President Obama,

Wow, it’s official. I’m a Massachusetts registered voter now. I have a lot to learn about local politics, but I’m thrilled to get the chance to vote for John Kerry’s successor in the Senate. I just wanted to say that I’ve always voted and always will. It’s so important for people to vote – even if they get frustrated with some of the outcomes. Voting is fundamental to democracy and I think fundamental to world peace.
Democracy gets undermined when money exerts too much power and amplifies certain voices. So don’t pay too much attention to the amplified voice of Big Oil – they have short term narrow interests. Listen instead to the rising chorus of small voices – who care deeply about the envoronment and human life on this planet. Please say NO to the Keystone XL pipeline.

Thank you.

Susan J. Ringler, Registered Voter



Friday 5 April 2013

Letter #34

Dear President Obama,

Today I got the email address of the Harvard student contact for the Divest Harvard campaign of 350.org. they are trying to put pressure on Harvard and other universities to divest from the oil and gas holdings in their investments. It’s a good cause and I’d like to help them get support of Harvard alums. Please Cancel the Keystone XL pipeline.

Thank you.

Susan J. Ringler, Harvard Alum – AB 1974



Saturday 6 April 2013

Letter #35

Dear President Obama,

I loved the Eduardo Porter column on Wed about the importance of early childhood education  http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/03/business/studies-highlight-benefits-of-early-education.html?pagewanted=all
– and I am delighted at your vocal support for this very important type of education. It is very important for today’s babies and toddlers to all arrive at kindergarten prepared. But it is also imperative for us to quickly reduce carbon emissions so these children have a healthy planet to grow up to. Please think of their future and say NO to the Keystone XL pipeline.

Thank you.

Susan J. Ringler, mother



Sunday 7 April 2013

Letter #36

Dear President Obama,

Greetings from Chicago – where I grew up. I’m here to help my oldest friend with some moving chores. We took a break yesterday and went shopping in a few vintage clothing stores. I found 2 great dresses from the 1940’s and 50’s and will wear them happily until they wear out. I have worn vintage for decades – I like the look, but I also love the quality of clothes they made in those days – and I love REUSE. We need to husband the planet’s resources very carefully. And we need to slow down our carbon emissions right away. Please say NO to the Keystone XL pipeline. Please do it now.

Thank you.

Susan J. Ringler, Chicagoan



Monday 8 April 2013

Letter #37

Dear President Obama,

I agree with the column in today’s WS Journal by George Schultz and Gary Becker in favor of a revenue-neutral carbon tax. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323611604578396401965799658.html
It is so important to factor pollutant and climate costs into energy costs. But in the current congressional climate this may take a while to implement. In the meantime, you can make a small step to slow climate change by saying NO to the Keystone XL pipeline. Please do it now.
As a Stanford PhD, I know that the Hoover Institute is not a hotbed of liberals. Intelligent people of all stripes understand how important greenhouse gas reduction is for us all.

Thank you.

Susan J. Ringler, Stanford Alum.



Tuesday 9 April 2013

Letter #38

Dear President Obama,

Here’s a haiku I wrote:

Star scattered sky
Gray cat shadow
Gravel jostles underfoot – then still.

Please cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Thank you.

Susan J. Ringler, Star gazer



Wed 10 April 2013

Letter #39

Dear President Obama,

I’m going to a march/demonstration this afternoon on the Boston Common to support Public Transit/Public Good. We want the Mass. Legislature to fully fund the transportation bill put forward by Gov. Patrick: H3382. Well-funded public transportation is an essential piece of the urgent move we must make away from burning fossil fuels. Please support excellent public transit and please DENY the Keystone XL pipeline. We don’t need it and we must reduce carbon emissions right now.

Thank you.

Susan J. Ringler, Public Transit Advocate



Thurs 11 April, 2013

Letter #40

Dear President Obama,

This wonderful praying mantis helmet mask is from the Met in New York.

It’s from New Britian (Sulka) befor 1914. I send it to beg you to stop the Keystone XL pipeline NOW. We are ruining the climate and we know it. We must take every step we can immediately to cut down on carbon emissions. The danger to human civilizations and art is huge. Please please pay attention to our most fundamental need: a planet with a climate where humans can flourish.

Thank you.

Susan J. Ringler, Art lover


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